Drowning in Documents? Time to Implement A Workflow Solution
Inefficient workflows cost businesses time and money. By optimizing your workflows with document management, your office can become a hub for efficiency.
Startups have a plethora of tasks competing for attention. When setting up a new office, knowing how to prioritize your office supply budget to get the office set up quickly with everything needed can be a significant source of uncertainty.
There are must-have items for every new business needs. These office business essentials are listed below to make your life as a new business easier as you get your office underway.
First thing is first. Every single individual needs to have a setup that will allow them to get to work immediately. Each hold-up or slow-down because of a missing tool or resource is a tick against the bottom line and office morale. Even if the elevators aren’t installed, cubicle walls haven’t been erected, and the breakroom is non-existent, people will need the equipment to get them focused on the job. The rest will follow.
While those essentials may vary by business and industry, most businesses need to prioritize devices and the software needed to do the job on those devices. Even telephone systems can be temporarily replaced with internet calling if the individual has a computer. That is, as long reliable office internet access is prioritized above all else.
You can’t run your devices or do your work without the right software. Get your IT department up and running early because nearly all the essentials will need their touch. While you need to get your people working, they need to stay safe, and so does your company and client data. Rolling out IT first will ensure as smooth a start-up as possible while you get everyone working.
The telephone system means your people won’t need to use their cell phones or internet calling on their devices. It means optimal security. And it means you have the proper tools in place to communicate with clients, customers, partners, vendors, and more.
While devices and software may be the number one priority, telephone systems are also essential, so keep them prioritized for day one as well. Choose the right phones, the right phone utility, and the right phone software. Then get that telephone system up and running before turning your focus to bringing in that fancy espresso machine and getting the wall art installed in the lobby.
Every office needs a centrally located machine to keep them productive and working efficiently. A multifunction printer can be the answer. These machines are among the most overlooked office essentials.
Multifunction printers offer a set of vital tasks in one place. They are able to complete copies, print projects, fax, email, and prioritize competing projects. The right copier or printer will also offer better security for any organization than the average desktop printer.
An office copier can often be the gatekeeper of security and project success. With these machines' increasing ability to connect with apps and platforms, such as Salesforce, there is an increasing dependency on copiers and printers to keep their teams, clients, and vendors communicating and sharing documents safely and efficiently.
Above all else, connectivity is king. That means that devices, software, and equipment won’t mean much without high-quality, reliable internet access for the entire building. That means communicating with your internet provider and utilities well in advance of opening day.
It also means having a focused, responsible IT team that understands priorities and can troubleshoot during setup as well as with employees, as needed. This is relevant to both before and after opening day.
Don’t forget that it’s internet access that is vital. So, providing LANdlines as a back-up, particularly during those crucial early days and weeks, will ensure the business continues to function and even bloom, even if wireless fails or is spotty. It’s common for businesses to set up WIFI without realizing where or how many blind spots they have for connectivity until people actually log on. Be prepared and have those back-up LANdlines in place.
This office essential is often overlooked, but mailing equipment is vital to the success of most businesses. Being able to mail your products, presentations, and sales materials without making trips to the post office or FedEx storefront is a necessity.
Having your negotiations in place with various carriers, particularly if you’re an online retailer, is crucial. And ensuring your network of messengers is on-hand, or at least in your phone list, is also important.
Mailing equipment can also be the machines you use to fold materials and stuff your envelopes if you’ll be doing large batch, high volume mailings. And postage markers are also something you’ll need to have on-hand.
Office essentials aren’t limited to pens, pencils, and Swingline staplers. It also doesn’t come down to desks, chairs, and a working coffee maker. These small essentials can be found, worked around, and borrowed.
The real essentials are the larger ticket items, many of which are often taken for granted. High-quality, reliable internet access comes first and foremost on the priority list. Devices and software are next up because of their versatility and the inability of any office to function without them.
Your telephone system, copier or printer, and mailing equipment are also vital to getting your start-up office up and running without being forced to function with one hand tied behind it’s back.
Every office needs its leadership to understand their needs and provide the necessary equipment. You now have your list of priorities to keep you focused and operational from the opening gate.
Inefficient workflows cost businesses time and money. By optimizing your workflows with document management, your office can become a hub for efficiency.
ACP, the largest privately-owned office technology provider in the Greater Rocky Mountain Region, and LaserCycle USA, a Colorado-based dealer known for toner cartridge recycling, have announced a merger. This merger will amplify ACP's reach and service while boosting its charity and environmental work. LaserCycle USA will continue its non-profit arm, serving at-risk children, the elderly, and neglected animals.
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